Rockville "Rox" Alumni - Rockville, Indiana
Classes of 1865 - 2024

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This site is not sponsored by or associated with Rockville High School, Parke Heritage High School or their School Board. Our site is a gathering place for Rockville and Parke Heritage High Schools alumni and it is operated by their alumni...........
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The Rockville Rox Athletic Alumni organization was formed in 2002. For the past 18 years the RAA has promoted the strong heritage and history of the Rox by honoring athletes that have enjoyed success in the athletic program. As a result of the school merger of Rockville and Turkey Run into Parke Heritage, the RAA Plan Committee pledges to continue their mission of annually honoring worthy Senior athletes through their scholarship program along with supporting the overall athletic program of Parke Heritage High School.
The Rockville Athletic Alumni Planning Committee
Dr. Larry Gambaiani, Rich Schelsky '94 PHHS - A.D., Tim Smith '83, Jared Thompson '99, Chris Millspaugh Lear '76, Angie Neeley '06, Brock McMullen '77, Emily Secuskie '10, Brett McMullen '92, Nick Loomis '16. Justin Lear '02
Ritz Theatre Cinema
(Click the Ritz picture to link to the website.)
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